New Pennsylvania Registration Data

Pennsylvania registration as of April 2024 is 3,895,223 Democrats, 3,499,524 Republicans, 42,919 Libertarians, 10,326 Greens, and 1,273,199 independent and miscellaneous.

Percentages are:  Democratic 44.66%; Republican 40.13%; Libertarian .49%; Green .12%; independent and miscellaneous 14.60%.

Percentages in October 2023 were:  Democratic 45.07%; Republican 39.91%; Libertarian .48%; Green .11%; independent and miscellaneous 14.43%.

American Independent Party of California Nominates Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

On April 28, the American Independent Party held its state convention in Sacramento and nominated Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for president.  The party has been ballot-qualified continuously longer than any state political party in any state, other than the Democratic and Republican state parties and the New York Conservative Party.  It was formed in 1967 to help George Wallace get on the ballot.  In 2020, its presidential nominee was Rocky De La Fuente, who was also the nominee of the Alliance Party.

The new state chair of the AIP is Victor Marani.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. filmed an announcement about the nomination, and he noted the irony that the party had been a supporter of Wallace in 1968, who, as Kennedy said, at the time opposed everything that Robert F. Kennedy, Sr. believed in.  But, as Kennedy said, the party has changed.  One of its nominees for the state legislature this year, Andre Sandford, is African-American.

Former Democratic Congressman Says he Voted for American Solidarity Party Presidential Nominee in 2020

On April 23, former Illinois Democrartic congressman Dan Lipinski spoke at a Chicago campaign event for the American Solidarity Party’s presidential nominee, Peter Sonski.

Lipinski revealed that in November 2020, he had voted for the American Solidarity Party’s 2020 presidential nominee, Brian Carroll.  Lipinski was in Congress for eight terms, but was defeated in the Democratic primary for re-election in 2020.  He is pro-life.  In his speech, Lipinski spoke about the need to get more people active in politics.

Constitution Party Vice-Presidential Nominee is Stephen E. Broden

On April 27, the Constitution Party national convention nominated Stephen E. Broden for vice-president. He lives in Texas and was the Republican nominee for U.S. House in 2010, in the Texas 30th district. Here is his wikipedia page. The presidential nominee, who had been chosen earlier in the dat, recommended that the party nominate Broden for vice-president.

Broden is the first African-American nominee for the Constitution Party for either president or vice-president.